
Check this out. Suppose your teacher makes you repeat a specific exercise each time you’re in class. Suppose you don’t have the slightest idea what purpose it serves but you keep doing it regardless. Your teacher happily keeps drilling the exercise – after all it is a part of the class routine. Let’s say the class is 60mins long and you’re spending 10mins out of it on something you find useless. Where is that getting you?

Why not communicating it to your teacher? A good teacher will ask if you understand the concept and purpose of the exercise before you even speak out about it. If you don’t get it, he or she should readily explain the reason behind it (for the third time if necessary but this time making sure it covers all your concerns). In some cases the teacher might have misinterpreted your goals – the exercise may indeed be pointless and a waste of significant portion of class. If that occurs it should be modified or omitted.

But don’t keep doing something just to make your teacher happy. It’s not about your teacher!